So many thanks!
Looking back at 2024, there’s so much to be grateful for at Amsterdam Teas. We haven’t even been open for a full year, and already it’s been an incredible journey. As 2025 is getting underway, it’s my real pleasure to say a very heartfelt thank you. I’m looking forward to sharing more beautiful tea and so much else this year. With sincere thanks.
Our friends in Taiwan
Sometimes things just click, like a shared rhythm and an instant fit. That describes the partnership between satotea and Amsterdam Teas. We share a philosophy and a feeling. I discover wild refinement in their tea, the dream of an entire ecosystem contained in the craft of a single, simple cup.
Matcha Preparation
Matcha is as rich in flavor and nutrients as it is in history and cultural significance. Here, we’ll offer a couple tips on preparation to get the most out of its flavor and nutrients.
Theïne and Caffeine, part 2
There are also differences among types of tea. Historically, white teas have been considered more delicate and gentle than the other teas. At Amsterdam Teas, we, too, appreciate the gentle...
Theïne and Caffeine, part 1
Let’s start with a basic question of terminology. Sometimes you will read that tea contains caffeine, sometimes it’s called theïne instead. Theïne and caffeine are the same thing – but...
Getting the temperature just right
The temperature of your water will have a noticeable effect on the flavor of your tea. In general, back teas, pu-erh teas and more oxidized oolongs will take higher temperatures....
Japanese Tea, from Tradition to Innovation
Japan has such a rich tea culture, equally characterized by tradition and innovation. It is the home to the Way of Tea, and its tea production processes are unique. Here...
The Timeless Journey of Chinese Tea
The history of tea begins in China, going back thousands of years, with an exceptionally rich tea culture to match. Tea has been the drink of Chinese nobles and everyday...
India's Vibrant World of Tea
India has an incredibly rich tea culture. As a whole, Indians drinks more tea than any other nation, and India is the second greatest tea exporter after China. Indian teas...
Getting the measurements right
There are four simple things that can vary when you steep your tea: the amount of tea, the amount of water, the temperature of the water, and the length of...
Steeping tips
Much of the beauty of tea is there in the steeping process. There is something really magical about seeing these delicate, dried and curled leaves become vibrant and young again....